Oscar Orduno, INC.

Oscar Orduno Inc. offers a wide range of construction services from professional turnkey wall systems, earth retention systems, and geotechnical applications.
We specialize in the construction, augmenting, and repair of retaining walls, and more.

Construction Services OOI Earth Retention

During excavation, earth retention is used to stabilize soil and rock. The process of earth retention can be temporary or permanent depending on each project. During construction, a variety of piles, ground anchors, and reinforced concrete can be used to retain the excavation. The system of earth retention can also be designed in such a way to resist earth pressures.

Construction Services OOI Engineered Temporary System

We have in-house engineering in the form of Orduno Design Services, LLC to provide design services for the work we do with excavation support, temporary slope stability, and support of adjacent structures within the influence of the excavation. The design of earth retention systems take multiple factors into consideration including: lateral earth pressures, traffic/construction surcharges, deformation criteria, temporary hydrostatic pressures, and protecting workers during construction.

Slope Stability System by Oscar Orduno Inc Dallas

At Oscar Orduno, Inc., we provide design and build services for embankments and slopes experiencing substantial erosion or slope creep. We also offer consultation services and cost analysis in the event of a slope failure.  A variety of unique and cost-effective options are available through resourceful engineering practices provided by our team at Orduno Design Services.  These value-based solutions are possible with the specialized equipment in our fleet and technical knowledge of soil mechanics to control slope movement in-situ or repair large landslides.  The solutions Oscar Orduno, Inc. can provide range from superficial applications to those that require a complete global stability analysis and installation of a structural system as the slope is re-graded or, in highly unstable slopes, prior to the removal of the slide mass.  Whether you are interested in restoring the property to its pre-existing state or making improvements along with necessary repairs, Oscar Orduno, Inc. and Orduno Design Services, LLC are there for you and ready to help.

OOi Wall Remediation and Failure Repair

Retaining wall failure can happen because of a number of reasons and is often unpredictable. This is why it is so important that noticeable movement or even deformations should be evaluated as soon as they are discovered before damages progress to the point the wall fails completely. Our team at Oscar Orduno Inc. can help you with all aspects of wall remediation from evaluation, to design, repair and even reconstruction.

Retaining wall contractor Dallas

Shotcrete has proven to be a cost-effective, time-saving alternative to cast-in-place concrete. Our fleet of specialized shotcrete equipment and ACI-certified nozzle men offer the experience required to successfully perform shotcrete applications.

Construction Services Underpinning

Underpinning is the process of supplementing the foundation of an existing building or other structure to account for structural movement or new construction. Often the structures requiring additional support are adjacent to the proposed improvements and the ownership relationships are multifaceted and complex; these types of situations are successfully negotiated and executed with the help of an experienced team and flexibility in design and installation.

OOI Non-Engineered Erosion Control

Most of the construction services performed by Oscar Orduno, Inc. is well beyond what is considered typical erosion control for SWPPP or site preparation; however, there are services that Oscar Orduno, Inc. can provide to control erosion when a full-scale engineered earth retention solution is not necessary.  Hard facing of temporary and permanent slopes with shotcrete can protect grading and embankments during construction or can be used as a part of the final project improvements.  If necessary, shotcrete can be mixed and placed with integral reinforcing fibers for additional strength or to aid in crack control.  As a final component of projects where Oscar Orduno, Inc. is acting as a prime or general contractor, hydromulch, turf reinforcement mat, or other geotextile products can be used for temporary erosion control between phased construction or until new vegetation has been established to contain the topsoils.

OOI Design/Build Retaining Walls

At Oscar Orduno Inc., we offer a wide variety of geotechnical construction services for all kinds of budgets: from the construction of new retaining structures to the repair and reinforcement of existing retaining walls that have experienced failure. Through the use of soldier piles, ground anchors, geogrids, and reinforced concrete a wide range of wall types and designs are possible even in the most challenging locations.