Design and Consulting Services

The knowledge and experience of Orduno Design Services can be an asset to owners and engineers as projects begin taking shape.  As project sites get more challenging and cities become more dense, design teams are relying on ODS to meet project demands while protecting existing structures.

Machinery at work at Dallas excavation support project


For sites with challenging soil conditions or nearby improvements, ODS can provide valuable insight into potential solutions, risks, and alternative design consdierations.  This information can help design teams save their owners time and money by going with the right solution the first time and avoiding situtaitons that can become cost prohibitive.

Dallas project at Maple Avenue


ODS has the experience required to determine which technique or system needs to be used where.  By knowing more about how strucutres will be built, design teams can better plan for preferred construction methods and avoid RFIs and Requests for Design Change during construction.