Geotechnical Construction – Every Job is Unique!

Earth Retention is the application of practical engineering expertise in order to stabilize soil and rock. This type of geotechnical construction can be used to stabilize natural waterways, natural geophysical features, or deliberate alterations to the environment by humans to increase our capabilities, enhance land use, or improve society in general.

Although we are experienced in all of these areas, we have most often applied our expertise as an integral part of the excavation process. We are particularly well-versed in the morphology of rock and soil structure in the state of Texas, which is why you almost inevitably see the famous orange equipment of Oscar Orduno wherever you see excavation underway.


How does Geotechnical Construction work?

Geotechnical construction processes can be either permanent or temporary, depending on the needs of the geotechnical issues and the project’s ultimate intent.  There are, of course, many techniques required for a successful project depending on the type of soil, water content, and even the depth of the excavation.

The Oscar Orduno Inc. team geotechnical construction experts


Our experts know the permit requirements everywhere in the state of Texas. Our engineers can help streamline the whole permitting process—by applying for the correct and relevant permits covering all of the project’s needs at once—eliminating delays and getting your project started on time.

It is important to know that different sites will have different requirements. One particular excavation might have a skyscraper on one side, an important road in the front, an oceanside park on another side, and a busy rail/shipping terminal at the rear.

Each might require a completely different earth retention system to guarantee a successful geotechnical construction project.

Our Geotechnical Construction Techniques Include:

  • Sheet Piling                                                                                                                                                              
  • Secant Walls
  • Tangent Pile Walls
  • Soldier Piles with Lagging (plus backfill)
  • Bracing supported by external structure (Soil Anchors)
  • Bracing supported by internal structures (wall plates, horizontal struts, diagonal braces & rakers, if internal obstructions don’t matter)
  • Underpinning
  • Soil Nails or Tie Backs/Wales, and
  • Rebar and Shotcrete application

…which typically covers the whole range of possibilities.  Sometimes, however, it doesn’t involve “digging a hole” so much as it is just stabilizing an existing feature.     


For that, we can use steel mesh and permanent or temporary soil nails to keep things in place. There are also fantastic new geosynthetic materials, such as cloths or weaves, which are faster and easier to install, while being considerably less costly.

All of these geotechnical construction materials can be easily penetrated by vegetation so that they can completely vanish in the fullness of time (or immediately, with appropriate landscaping). Grassy slopes will make it both attractive and completely invisible!



Responsibility of Geotechnical Construction Contractors

We’re not shy about our expertise. When lives depend on having the right people in the right place at the right time, there is no reason for modesty! It could be our crew; it could be your workers or customers; it could be members of the general public—but all of them need to be protected.

Just as important is protecting your property and the property of your neighbors. You don’t want to be on the news because two lanes of an important roadway collapsed, or be responsible for a burst water main or natural gas lines because supporting soil eroded away from beneath them.

Projects planned with exceptional engineering skills and with safety in mind finish on-time, accident-free, and with no surprises. And ultimately, doing it right the first time costs much less than fixing errors later. In any business we all accept that “Time is money and rework is wasteful” and Oscar Orduno, Inc. knows that excavation and geotechnical project planning are no different!


The Takeaway on Geotechnical Construction

No matter what type of project you need help with, Oscar Orduno, Inc. is your best choice because we are the experts!

We’re known to be considerate of all our customers, neighbors, tradespeople, and members of the public. Safety is a top concern for us. We are committed to keeping everybody as safe as possible. Plus, our promise is to minimize disruption to your business, that of your neighbors, and to intrude as little as possible upon daily operations. We ensure the utmost protection of your structures and property. Our attention to detail will guaranty that when the job is finished you can be completely confident that it was done properly.

Our service area at Oscar Orduno Inc. covers most of the state of Texas, including Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio, Houston, Lubbock, Amarillo, Tyler, and Waco. You’ll see our bright orange equipment all over Texas!

We have the ability, experience, and desire to handle your project. You can rely on our expertise and insights to deliver collaborative solutions that work for you. And we won’t leave you in the dark—we will explain anything and everything in a way that is easy to understand—we are always willing to answer your questions.

We can´t wait to hear from you, so take a moment and get in touch.

Read more about our construction services here.